Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Special Sound

The sound of a red laced dress flash as it dances in the snap of midnight. The sound of the kiss of rain as it ripples into a puddle.  A glass a drum trembling as it chants a rhythm. The whisper of the whirl of wind as it slices the snowy lights.  The ripe blare of thunder.  The bubble of giggles in burning laughter.  A rubbery roar like an icicle cracking.  A glittering trumpet like a warm, round, stomp, soft yet loud and thumping.  A fire that pops and spirals and hisses at the warm air tunneling toward it.  A screech of a twisting bone in the dead, hot desert.  A sound splintering into souls.  A perfect lime growling with sour, prickly, chalkiness.  The sound of a splash of scarlet paint as it lashes the page in shadows.


  1. Dear Olivia,
    I really liked your poem!!! I liked it because it really caught my attention and it is uniqe. To me the best line was:The sound of a red laced dress flash as it dances in the snap of midnight.
    Sincerly, Haley

  2. Dear Olivia'
    your poem was amazing I loved it great job. My favorite line in the poem was: The whisper of the whirl of wind as it slices the snowy lights. What was your favorite line I'd love to now if you get chance I'd really like to now.


  3. Sorry Tommy kind of late on the responding! I think my favorite line was the bubble of giggles in burning laughter. I really like that line, I think because I like to laugh, though I'm not sure!


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