I have everything and faith;
faith in the world around me that's tipping
over into a new dimension.
I have everything and the shining moon;
shining over the deep roars of the city,
depending on her to give them light.
I have everything and purple, black and green;
the deep indigo purple, the bright
neon green, and the deep depth
of pitch black. I have everything and family;
the family that has four parents as well as
brothers, and just one me the only girl.
I have everything and peace;
the peace that so quiet I have to
plug my ears.
I have everything and joy;
not the looking up photos
of Cookie Monster on google,
but the joy of knowing that I'm at peace
with my family.
I have everything and time;
not the time to score the winning
goal in soccer, not the time to
finish homework 5
days before its due,
but time to know I'm
happy, time to sleep
and dream about stuff that
could only happen in my mind.
I have everything and
my eyes; the eyes that
don't just see, but they
let me see love, that let
me see hope, that
let me see faith in
myself and everyone
around me.
I have everything and
purple, and black, and green,
and joy, everything and faith, and eyes.
I have every thing that I need.
And I know it.
i think this peom is very heart felt