Thursday, October 30, 2008


lemons are great,
nice and juicy, sweet and sour,
lemony yellow, soft and hard,
the lemony sensation that make your
lips curly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Dance

Let me take you to the fields 
Let me help you forget your worries
Let me pick you up and take you to a beautiful place 
Forget your anger and sadness 
Dance through the fields with me 
Together we will feel the wind against our faces 
Be with me until the dance has ended

Friday, October 24, 2008


the wind is as
if it has answered all my questions
in my life mostly the ones that
make me cry if its wrong
or when the questions that make me
confused the wind
is like a creature a pet to take care of the wind
a wise
man to tell the un -kwon
the wind.

the night time

look over there! now over there! too
many thing are to close you can see nothing but a blur
only shadows you can take another step
back wait only that your frozen can't move nothing but a shadow.


when you're so mad you sometimes become a monster
when things set you off it only turns into
madness is creepy yet you try to get a hold
of yourself but its taking over inch by inch little by
little madness is all over.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The liquidy water 
that pours down
from the sad, gray clouds.
The pitter-patter, pitter-patter
on my window tempts
me to go outside.
I slowly reach for the
door handle creeeeek
the door swings open
i go outside.
Ah. cold water
pours down my back.
it soaks my face and clothes.
ah-choo! whoops better
go inside, don't want
to catch a cold!

Cinderella's Haiku

Coaches come in the night
Pumpkins explode in the dark
The ball is waiting


Many types of it
It is always in season
Always grows on trees

Parmesan Cheese

     Good cheese for grating
    It's really good on pasta
     It's Italian 


television is bad for you.
it melts your brain and 
turns it into slush.
Every single second
you watch the t.v. pieces
of your brain fall off inch by inch
almost ready to turn to slush.
And do you want to get bad


I need my snack NOW!
I don't have ANYTHING to do
and I need something NOW!
Give me your cookies
Give me your games
Give me me more things to DO!
You got me this 100 dollar dress-
I HATE IT! take it back NOW!
Get this stain off my dress
and get it off NOW!
I absolutely positively
need more attention

Stick With What You Got

 you love to play
with your toys,
and you do have a lot,
you also play sports.
and Swimming.
You ask your
parents if you can play
they say "Yes"
You also ask for more 
toys for Christmas
Mom says "yes"
then you break
an arm playing
Volleyball and all your
new toys break.
Maybe next time
you should stick with
what you got.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


You're going through the Amazon Rain Forest 
finding food.
You come across 
a large alligator. 
You have to kill him 
to survive. You eat 
it because 
if you don't 
you die. 
Finally! You're out! Suddenly, 
Poof! You're back stuck in that dangerous forest. 
This time, no alligator. Suddenly, Poof! 
Just as you step out , you teleport back in! 
It was just a dream! 
You're trapped! This could continue for months!

Monday, October 13, 2008

When, When, When?

When, When, When?
When shall I be there?
When will I get out of here? 
When will I see my aunt and uncle? 
When shall I see my dog? 
When will I see my family again?
Will I ever get there?
Will they be there?
They have to 
Dark is outside the window
It is cold out there
But I am on the inside
I am warm, cozy and tired
I close my eyes
Darkness washes over me 
I will get there on time 
I am now asleep

The Last Thing You Want To Be Is Sad

The last thing you want to be is sad
With your tears you create a puddle then lurk beneath it's depths
With nothing to comfort you
All you can hear is the sloshing of the current
All you can see is the dark water
Until you run out of breath
You come out of the puddle gasping in the air

Then comes the anger
The hot scorching fiery flames
Burning your body
You feel no pain!
All you can hear is your own words shouting
All you see is tears
All you can smell is the smoke of the fire
Words come out of your mouth that you have said before!
There is smoke coming out of your ears and fire coming out of your mouth!
You start to calm down but you don't want to stop!
You want to be angry!
You don't want to see proper things!
You don't want to hear any other things!
You don't want to smell anything but smoke!
But you know that's not right
You need to continue your regular life
You get out the fire extinguisher
Out goes the fire
You fan out the smoke
You mop up the puddle
And step outside your room

Thursday, October 9, 2008


They are all around me,
but yet I see nothin'.
Just the emptiness of the world,
all around me, smothering me,
trying to win me over...NO!

I am back, with the happiness growing stronger,
at every breath I take.
I hollow my cheekbones, suck in air.
I am back, I am home, I am safe.


Rocks growing out of the weather-beaten ground,
Trying to complete this endless task.
Knowing, trusting myself, full of strengh.
Doesn't matter how long it takes: A day,
A month, a year!
Trying to master this sky high giant.
Can you guess what it is?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can't Have Everything

There are some people so rich,
They get toys everyday.
There are some who get a penny
On their birthday and they're happy.
But even the richest person can't have
Everything. They can't live forever.
They can't have the ability to fly.
"Everything" is a lying word.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Quad-Poems, Part 1

What? I didn't do anything!
What? I didn't do anything wrong! You must be mistaken! *cry* No! It wasn't me! Bob did it! You can't turn on me like that with no evidence! You've got to be insane to do this to me! No! No! NO! NO! NO! @#$%!

Weird Haiku

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
This poem was written by Daisy Colburn, and posted by Laine Gruver

Free Party!

It's  all about 


Cool and dark 
On the page


Cell phone
In your town
Whoo hoo!

Quad-Poems, Part 2

As I Write
As I write this poem, I think about how computers and the internet work, also about how the body works and how the brain manages to control ten systems at once. Then about how viruses diffuse into the body, while I sit here with writer's block.


I need comments on my poems the feeling rushing through you so eager for reviews on your work five stars four three two or one? you think its good but do they all the emotions on your peom not recognized soon to be seen

Underwater Treasures

The sea is in disguise.
It's true, come with me,
Any day, I'll show you.
See how calm, how sweet?
It's so peaceful,but it has secrets.
Though she hides them well, they
Are easy to spot.
Dive with me, come on!
You find your secrets.
It's your turn now.


Right now
the new
challenge is
college math

My World

my world is crazy right now
but I know it will calm down
there are loops I keep getting stuck in
but every once and a while I'll squeeze out!


A black little
creature with eight
legs that hides in you're
basement and spins the
sticky little webs that
catch the busy bees or
the buzzing flies.
And the minute we hear
the ear-piercing scream
from the bathroom shower,
we know what caused it.

Newspaper Poem

On Wednesdays the birthday party journal class collapse. Join and rescue dance contests by selling chopped fresh parsely.

Magic 8 Ball

Magic 8 ball
Magic 8 ball
will I fail 
this test?
Try again
Magic 8 ball
will I fail this test?
Yes, no, Maybe so.


Points in all directions,
and West.
If you get lost
and have a compass,
you know
where to go.

Quad-Poems, Part 3

Pie the leader shark's bonds. Whoo Hoo!™

A Drop Of Rain

As I wait outside
I feel a drop of rain land on my arm
I think 
Is the sky mad
did I do something wrong?
Then I think back
at all the things I did
now I know how to act


Buddy is a word 
that a lot of people
use for good and bad 
I know a buddy
I call him that a lot
I don't Know his real
name so that is what
he got.  


Lies are giant shadows over peoples hopes questions still not answered, Lies are giant boulders of nothing but trouble a minefield of opposites, fakes and hurt feelings collided soon to be found out, Lies are no spy in disguise  they are criminals revealed 

Law school

Children get bored 
of elementary school
so they decide to try
law school instead 
it is right down the
street from where they
used to go
their parents drop
them off


stop picking your nose!
Boogers have feelings too you know.
first you stick your dirty little finger
in this clean nose house,
smudge it around,
pick one of my family members out,
flick him (or her) away into the
dirty lonely carpet.

think twice before picking your nose.
unless you are a booger. then pick away!

Stray Cat

There is a cat 
in my house
in my yard 
in my bed
There is a cat 
in my house
I don't know who 
he is.


Blue is blue.
Blue is royal blue.
Purple is blue.
But blue in not purple.

Soccer Rocks

What people think of soccer is kicking a black and 
white ball between the two posts and under 
the top post 
guess what 
you're wrong 
the reason our team has won as much games as we lost is 
because in the games we lost the reason we lost
 is because those games we didn't move the ball 
or talk to each other on the field the reason we
won the games we won is because we worked together and 
passed the ball so think again after you think about soccer.


I believe A dream is another dimension bieng opened in my sleep, a crazy place of everything you have always wanted and sometimes things you don't want you never know whats in a dreeam unless you have the key


Life is like your own world
like a new cell to your body a
planet is like a bunch of germs 
in a body
and the Milky Way is our body


the most mindless color
in dreams,
stories, everyday life
creeps uhp everywhere Black is considered a
scary color yet the night of Halloween
at 12:00 midnight
when no ones around,
just you and the black
the opposite of orange, pink ,yellow
evil scars across the
black mountains,
black is like a white out only black it can cross out
any kinds of
colors. Black
the most mindless color.

Writers Block

You sit down to write
And you think
You look to the back of your brain
You look everywhere else in your brain
You look at your blank page
You start swinging and tapping your pencil
You glance at your page then the clock
You don't have much time
You stare at your page 
Getting lost in the emptiness of the page
You are upset and angry
You have nothing to write 
And after what seems like forever
The teacher says "STOP"
You think "I never started writing"
Then it comes to you 
What you think is the perfect idea
Finally the horrible writers block is over.

Winter Night

The sun sinks into the waves of the of the ocean like a deflated baloon.
The sky shines on star lit water
 the comferting sound of your mothers voice as she tucks you into bed
 and the high pitched note of chirping crickets
 A blanket of snow covers the town
the lights in the houses turn off one by one
winter has come at last!


All bright colors
ark in the sky
from California to
In the bright blue sky
it shines like a
brand new light bulb.
it doesn't matter if it's 
foggy or sunny,
rainbows can shine
any weather
and anytime.
-Audrey Romjue

San Francisco Parakeet

I share an apartment
 with Fredrick Stiller
 we live right across the street from Pier 39
our house is next to Telegraph Hill 
I'm a parakeet. "SURPRISE"
I know lots of trick's
I can fly around the room and land on stuff
including my roommates arm!
Last night Fred and I watched a movie 
It was about the parrots that live next door
That got me thinking
why can't I be one of them 
why can't I be free to fly around where I want when I want
But I guess its not all bad
If I lived in the wild who would feed me 
and who would watch movies with me
But then again I guess, You Can't Be Something Your Not.

Where am I?

Where am I?
Why am I here?
What am I?
I am gone
Gone from the noise of of talking people
Gone from the honking cars and busy streets
Gone from the animals that chirp and meow and croak
I can only see darkness all around
Am I blind?
No, I am not
I can see myself
I am fading, fading, away
The darkness around me is swallowing me up
I am gone
I am no more
But I can move
Now I am walking getting faster and faster
I am being chased
Yet no-one is behind me
I am being chased by darkness
It wants me to give it my energy so it can become stronger
No, I will not be part of it
I will not be another victim for it
I will escape to where I belong
In the real world
I will run forever if I have to
But darkness will not take me away from the noise and color on Earth
I will not become somebody's shadow
I will not be the shade of a tree
I will not ever bow down to darkness or be it's slave

Wait, the light it is ahead of me!
It's getting brighter and brighter
I feel dizzy, will I make it?
I have to
I will not give up not now and not ever

I need more light I need the sun and it's warmth
I am so cold.
Darkness is trying to freeze me then get me
My bones are ice cubes
I am like a snowman
I will make it
Everything goes black
The last thing I feel before I faint is bitter cold
The last thing I hear before I faint is darkness yelling, nooooo!

I wake up
Darkness is gone
I am in my backyard
I am not a shadow
I am not a shade of a tree
I am myself
I see color
I hear the sound of barking dogs
I hear the sound of cars and people talking
I hear the birds chirp
I am home!


I am a doorway to a wonderland of emotions, and hopes, wonders of the rest of the world. Am I a shadow  or a light? I an not just a system of organs and cells- I'm more than that. Open the doorway to me.


Pink is pink.
Pink is baby pink. 
Pink is hot pink.
Pink is magenta.
But pink is never blue.

Baby Food

Baby food is all 
disgusting now
 but when you 
go to college
 my dad said
 he ate baby 
food A.K.A.
 you're broke
 in college. I mean it
 is just crushed
 up food or fruit
 with water I think? 
Baby's eat it so baby's
also eat cheerios and 
Cheddar bunnies to
do you like Cheddar bunnies 
or cheerios ? I have not
ate baby food in 
something like 9 years
but I will maybe.


Soccews fun
i weally wike it
my team is good
and we wike to win
i wove to scwowe 
we've onwy
won one game
but we pwobaly
fiftween goals
we'we gonna
win again!


As all people know pillows are 
soft, comfy and squishy
people like to lay on them and read or 
other stuff. 
But the real reason why pillows were made is because 
the inventor Josh Pillow wanted to collect lice from 
peoples heads.  

Quad-Poems, Part 4

My Own World
If you asked me what I'd do, I'd much rather stay inside my little ugly world in Mill Valley and San Francisco than explore the big world outside of that. I was built to do just that. Not everyone else is, though.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ever learning, ever wondering
always checking always working
all the qestions you have ever wondered or asked
to be answered
and you will be relieved
aceing that test