Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have everything, and nothing
I have life, hands, toes,
I have what I have been taught
I have my finger nails to protect
my smooth under finger.
I will never lose my air
it will come in,
and then it will go back out,
try and try but unless you wish to die,
that is the natural flow.
I have my for longing gratitude for blue jays,
so calm.
Gratitude is something key and simple,
needed to life a happy life.
The brain is so helpful,
your own personal storage room for educational thoughts.
Legs and muscles are as helpful as life itself,
for If you didn't have them life would be seen from an unchanging
view from the ground.
Ears, without these wonder filled objects,
life would be shrouded with a muted sheer of darkness.
Without you ears, fun slips out of life.
Eyes are another great part of life,
eyes let you see the wonderful sights,
such as Niagara falls, and much much more.
Legs, arms, eyes, ears, life grants us so much.

1 comment:

  1. What is your Golden line?
    I thought it was "I have everything, and nothing."


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