Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I hear the birds chirping at sunrise.
I hear my dog barking at strangers.
I hear the fall leaves crackling as I step on them.
I hear dead silence.
I hear the sizzle of skillets with butter on them.
I hear a soccer ball hit the net.
I hear the crack of a baseball bat hitting the ball.
I hear voices going together in a crowded restaraunt.
I hear a basketball going through the net.
I hear a splash when someone jumps into a pool.
I hear many sounds.


  1. I agree your golden line is really detailed great poem.

  2. I like the way you said I hear a splash when someone jumps in a pool because it seemed like I actually heard it


  3. I liked all the sports noises. I agree with Jackson the golden line is great.


  4. Thanks Braw for commenting so I think you golden line was I hear the sizzle of skillets with butter on them.


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